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  AARP Made a Tablet for Old People Who Think Tech Is "Scary"

  AARP is getting into the gadget game with the RealPad, a tablet expressly made to help seniors who want to stay connected, but don't want to spend a lot of time learning the technology.

  The intent of the RealPad, a 7.9-inch tablet with a simplified Android 4.4 UI, is perfectly summarized in AARP's marketing:

  Think you've got an excuse not to go digital? You say it's too complicated? Too expensive? Too scary? In other words, the selling point here is that the RealPad is easy to use. It comes with 24/7 phone support, a bunch of tutorial videos, and a "Real QuickFix" tool that helps you monitor the "health of your tablet," which we're assuming means a quick troubleshooting guide.

  The 16GB tablet has a 1.5 GHz dual-core Intel Atom processor, and a 1024 x 768 resolution screen all for $190. Those aren't top specs, but they're surely enough for a someone who just wants to browse the web, look at photos, and send some emails. And the specs are respectable considering the tablet's relatively low price. It's available for pre-order now.

  It's hard for a kid like me to imagine someone would have trouble using a tablet, but the AARP might be on to something here, if only because the RealPad at least makes overtures to seniors when so few other devices do. The reality is that we're basically just looking at a very simple, relatively cheap tablet. But that it's offered by AARP might help bridge the gap for some people who would otherwise remain alienated from gadgets.

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