中国建拉美朋友圈 世界网友点赞

当地时间7月21日晚9时许,国家主席习近平乘坐专机抵达哈瓦那何塞•马蒂国际机场,开始对古巴进行国事访问。习近平受到古巴国务委员会第一副主席兼部长会议第一副主席迪亚斯-卡内尔热情迎接。这是古巴少年向习近平献花。 (图片来源:新华社)
中国日报网7月24日电(信莲) 国家主席习近平近期出席金砖国家领导人会晤,并访问拉美四国,此次拉美之行收获了决定建立金砖国家开发银行等重要成果,为中拉关系书写了新一页历史。来自世界各地的网友不仅极为关注,更为中国在拉美建立朋友圈点赞。
Thai (澳大利亚)
Thai (Australia)
Good for the BRICS and good for the world. It unleashes good competition, accountability, fairness and challenges to the World Banks and IMF! It is about time.
objective (美国)
objective (US)
I am heartened by the wisdom shown by President Xi Jinping.
The world will remember him as one of the wisest leader who brought about peace, security and progress to the whole world.
Congratulations to the outstanding leader of the world.
Deenearer (广州)
Deenearer (Guangzhou)
Wishes to the bank. Hope it can grow well and strong enough in short time to be a significant player in international financial arena.
Kancherla (印度)
Kancherla (India)
The proposed BRICKS Bank with two Asian giants (China and India) as major partners is a great leap once again toward the establishment of a semblance of economic equality among the nations of the world. The BRICS political leadership, one hopes, will sustain and stabilize in the larger interests of the less privileged peoples of the world. Kudos to BRICS political leadership!
Scarlette (US)
In the current global financial system of cronyism, these nations are not represented. Actually, lots of powerless nations’ votes in the world are not even ever counted, totally marginalized.
That’s why BRICS stand out. At this rate, it would be very interesting to see the further development in the future. Best wishes to the BRICS leaders! You did a great job!
GhostBuster (US)
China President Xi Jinping is more than busy doing his part to bring together nations that will come and take the boat with China to achieve peace, progress and prosperity for all human kind under the sky! China loves peace and welcomes all nations to come together in full unison to make tomorrow better for all!