上海“深坑酒店”设计图曝光 备受境外网民青睐

2018-10-12 17:02:22


上海“深坑酒店”设计图曝光 备受境外网民青睐

网民Rob Du Bois:迫不及待地想看看里面是什么样子。(Can't wait to see what the inside looks like.)

网民timmmahhhh:了不起的工程,精彩的介绍,谢谢。(Incredible project and incredible presentation, thank you.)

网民Dark Buzz:我被深深吸引了,非常独特的想法。(I am fascinated. Very unique idea.)

上海“深坑酒店”设计图曝光 备受境外网民青睐

网民Jolly Joy:几年前,我在网上看到这一概念,但是从不知道它不仅仅是概念,它真真切切的存在。(I saw the concepts online years ago but never knew it was more than the concepts! Its actually real!)

上海“深坑酒店”设计图曝光 备受境外网民青睐

网民Corkas_:建筑师没有填埋或破坏该地貌,而对它进行规划并予以肯定,这让我着迷。此举充分利用了这一区域,否则将在地表上留上一块伤疤。(Architecture that forms to and compliments the landscape instead of flattening or destroying it has always fascinated me. Although the quarry was man made to begin with, this is a great use of the area which would have otherwise been a scar on the landscape.)

上海“深坑酒店”设计图曝光 备受境外网民青睐

网民Josh M:哇,那真的很震撼,很棒的内容。(Wow that's stunning! Great content!)

网民craig h:这是我这么长时间以来,看见的最好的酒店设计,想去参观一下。(best hotel design/build i've seen in a long time, i would like to visit one day)