
2014-08-08 13:13:00


  人民网8月8日电 国家档案局网站今天发布第37名日本战犯藤原广之进的侵华罪行笔供。笔供显示,藤原广之进曾抓捕中共北满、吉东等“省委”系统人员数百人,并下令杀害其中9人。




  1938年3月, “逮捕了(中共)北满临时省委、吉东省委系统”“计204名”。后将“68名解送哈尔滨检察厅处刑”,其中“死刑7名”。



  笔供英文内容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English)

  Hironoshin Fujiwara(藤原广之进)

  According to the written confession of Hironoshin Fujiwara from July to August 1954, he was born in Ehime Prefecture, Japan in 1897. In 1935, he went to northeast China and joined in Japan’s War of Aggression against China. He served as unit commander of Japanese Military Police in Muleng, Tangyuan and Xinjing. He was arrested on 31 August 1945.

  Major offences:

  February 1936:captured “Zhuang Junzhe and another 9” anti-Japanese patriots in Banjiehe and other places, later, ordered the military police to “severely punish” (kill) 9 people on 15 March;

  March 1938: “arrested”“204 people” of“(the Communist Party’s) North ‘Manchukuo’ Temporary Provincial Party Committee and Jidong Provincial Party Committee”; later, “68 were sent to Harbin Procuratorate for sentences”, and “7 of them got death penalty”;

  Mid-April 1938: in suppressing the Anti-Japanese United Army in Tangyuan County, “arrested 4 peaceful residents” “I ordered my subordinates to kill 3 and I stabbed the 4th to death by myself with Yokogawa’s bayonet”;

  Mid-March1944: sent the arrested “underground anti-Japanese patriot named Zhi to the Ishii Unitin Harbin”.